7th Annual QU Alumni Day, February 6, 2025 Calling all QU Alumni!
Alumni Day Schedule:
Coffee on Campus – 9-11 a.m.
Join us for a unique opportunity in Brenner Library to enjoy coffee with fellow Alumni. Tours of Brenner Library will be offered including the Rare Book Room and a preview of an exciting newly acquired book collection of local Historic interest, to be announced soon. We have a recording of the tours for those not able to attend: Library tour video
Alumni Lunch in the Café – 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Enjoy lunch in QU’s cafeteria while visiting with fellow alumni. Lunch will be available to alumni and their guests for just $6.50.
Roger Leenerts, Director of Entrepreneurship & Innovation, will be speaking briefly about QU’s Entrepreneurship Program. He will have a few of his students there to share their innovative projects.
*** If you cannot attend and would like more information, please email m.kennedy86@joker47.net
Alumni Mass/ History of QU Chapel – 12:15 p.m.
Mass will be held in QU Chapel with special intentions for our fellow Alumni who have passed away.
After mass you are welcome to stay and listen to Fr. Joe Zimmerman, OFM, talk about the history of the chapel.
Alumni Socials at Women’s and Men’s Basketball Games – 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 pm
Help us cheer on the Women’s and Men’s Basketball Teams as they compete against Missouri S & T. The women play at 5:30 pm and the men play at 7:30 pm. Free tickets are available for these games for our Alumni. Join us in the Hall of Fame Room between games and at halftime of the Men’s game. There will be a dessert bar and drinks to enjoy with fellow Alumni.
Student representatives from QU’s Entrepreneurship Program will also be here to display and interact with alumni and guests. Come hear about their innovative projects/ideas and share your insights with them.
Alumni Day online events:
More information coming soon.
Join the 14,000+ QU alumni across the country as we kick off the celebration of QC/QU’s 165th Anniversary!
How can you participate outside of Quincy? Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps!
- Wear a “QU Alumni” button OR your favorite QU apparel *Click here to download an alumni button!*
- Take a picture of yourself or with fellow alumni
- Share on social media using #qualumniday OR send to social@joker47.net
Are you going to be in town or close by? We have a fun-filled day planned for our alumni and we hope you will join us!